May 4, 2012

[Green] Thumb

That's right you are looking at some photo-evidence that "I" (whit) am able to grow something!!

This is a little sprout of an apple tree! You read that right! I took three seeds from one of my store bought apples, and one sprouted!!!

I also went to my local Stein's and purchased this pack of "Italian Herb" starter kit.

From right to left:basil, parsley, and oregano! All have sprouted, just some more than others.

Last but not least, I went to the local Fleet Farm and impulse purchased this starter kit as well: TOMATOES! That's two sprouts one on the left and one of the right that have grown!

It makes me seem like an expert gardener, my first year of even attempting to grow anything.  I did try to plant some carrot seeds in a clay pot outside, but it seems the squirrels and/or birds got to them before they even had a chance to see sunlight the next day. No pictures were needed of this tragic event. :(

But I will update you on the progress my little sprouts continue to make! :)

1 comment:

  1. I want to have our own little garden when we have our own home one day. Good luck with yours and I look forward to hearing how your progress goes.
