February 23, 2013

Running towards a NEW goal

Since Thanksgiving the husband and I have been lazy and not very healthy in our eating habits.

On the way home from our George Strait concert we both decided things need to change.

So we are beginning to get back into our old routine of eating healthier and working out.

One of my biggest motivations to help me continue this is to do the Half Marathon in town coming up in a couple months. 

The half marathon is at the end of April. And this is not my first half marathon. I used to be an avid cross country runner in high school and college. I just somehow fell out of the habit of running. So I created a running calendar for the next 10 weeks.

And also saw an idea on Pinterest that it takes about 21 days to get into a habit. So I took some small post-it notes and wrote the day and also what I have to do that day for the next 25 days. These are in my bathroom and it's one of the first things I see in the morning. A constant reminder. 

It feels good to remove one of these every night.

So far I am on day 4, and surprisingly from not running for over a year these past 3 mile runs have been okay. I force myself to run outside (yes I'm crazy in this Wisconsin weather) but the only thing I really have to worry about is all the ice. I may have almost biffed it a couple times last night. Thankfully I did not have any casualties. :)

Here's hoping the next 9 weeks go just as smooth, with the increasing miles to come.


  1. That's awesome, you will do awesome. :)

  2. you two are amazing! i am so lazy when it comes to running.
    cant wait to read more about your journey!!

    following :)

    The DayLee Journal

  3. I love how organized you are! That would help me stay motivated.


  4. eeeek! I'm running a half too. SO NERVOUS.

  5. Way to go girl!!! Mine is two weeks away and I cant wait till its over!!! Your going to do awesome. I love your calendar and post it note count down.

  6. Way to go! I need to steal some of your enthusiasm to get back into shape. :)

  7. Good luck!! Good for you - you're an inspiration!

  8. I love the Post-It notes! Good luck!
