January 24, 2012

Best [Cupcake] Idea Ever!

So I have been doing this, since I don't know when. It's just a force of habit for me now I guess. But someone pointed it out to me recently and I had the urge to share with the rest of the blog world.

Without further ado:

The "Cupcake Sandwich"

Take a delicious cupcake, just like the one below:

Remove the bottom half.

Place it on top of the frosting.

And Enjoy! An easier to eat "Cupcake Sandwich".

Has anyone else done this with their cupcakes, or am I just strange? ha ha.


  1. omg, get in my belly! that looks so incredible! i want some now!

  2. Do you watch Cake Boss? That's how they encourage people to eat cupcakes on the show! I always take the bottom half off, eat that, and then eat the top! FROSTING RUSH!!! Sometimes it's fun to just dive in, face first, get messy and take huge BITES though!

  3. That's what I do Meghan! Although this way looks quite delicious Whit! Cute post!

    Love & Lollies... Jessa

  4. Hey Whit I am taggin you in a post!

  5. such a simple idea, but a great one!

  6. I should not be seeing this! It looks so good :)

  7. that's awesome! especially since I can't stand when the frosting sticks to the roof of my mouth.

  8. i love this! this is how my mom and her sisters eat their cupcakes. so funny.

  9. Oh my goodness that cupcake looks good! And I will have to try your way of eating cupcakes next time I have one! : )

  10. Yummy! You are so funny Whit! I actually love this idea.

  11. OMG I am sooooo doing this!!!


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  12. Love the idea! Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm now following you :)
