January 23, 2014

Operation Give a Hug

even though our little one isn't born yet, i came across these "daddy dolls" online from Operation Give a Hug. it is a charitable organization that has given out almost 500,000 of these guys to children's parents whom proudly and selflessly service our nation.

i know that when baby is born, i will be taking this doll everywhere so that our little one knows exactly who daddy is. for now it sits in baby's crib awaiting their arrival. it is truly a special gift to receive and one that i know has and will benefit numerous military children and loved ones.

if you'd like to find out more information on this charity, please go to:  http://www.ogah.org


  1. That is SUCH an incredible idea!

  2. Such a cute idea! There is also Operation Kid Comfort that does blankets. Both of my kids have had blankets made for them and they love them, especially when daddy is away.

  3. Such a great idea! I love this.

  4. Em has a daddy doll and LOVES it.

  5. I've seen these before, I think they are so sweet!
