April 16, 2014

second week

every day he seems to be progressing even more. from the ounces he is now gaining. to going to drinking from an actual bottle. finishing one of those bottles once, and getting close to finishing time after time. no more oxygen help. regulating his temperature enough that he no longer has to be in an isolette. hello big boy bed! makes me one proud momma to hear the NICU doctors come in every morning and tell me that he is their little rockstar and nothing has changed in their plans. that he just needs to keep getting better at taking a bottle and that feeding tube would finally disappear.

he was getting sponge baths up until this week when his belly button has finally healed. which lead to momma's first actual bath giving experience. just as i was about to pick him up to put him in the nice warm water, i felt something warm on my wrist. i look down, yup he is peeing on me, in his tub, on the floor. ha ha. once we got new water and put him in his tiny tub, he was loving the warm water. let's hope bath time is still fun as he grows.

every day i pass the actual nursery and see these (huge) babies in their beds. i can't imagine my 3lb little one being that big. i know one day soon he will, because he has finally hit the 4 pound mark. it wont't be long till i'm taking this little man home to stay. and this momma is frantically trying to prepare for everything that he still needs. i was suppose to have two more months.

as for me, my incision is healing well and i started to go back to work once a week now too. it helps for my sanity for being in a hospital every single day from 6am-10pm. my first day back, left me exhausted. the next day i paid for it because after work i ran around the house like a crazy person, doing laundry, dishes that have been sitting out for three weeks, cleaned out the fridge of moldy, moldy items, and more. i was so sore the next day, i need to take a step back and realize i just had a baby two weeks ago, i can't just go right back to my normal self. even though i'm itching to get back outside and start running and walking Harlee. but for right now those grandma's with their walkers will still fly right by me as i walk to lunch at the hospital.


  1. Yes ma'am, you need to take it easy! So glad you two are doing well.

  2. I'm so glad he's doing well! He's so sweet and perfect. And you are so strong.

  3. So glad to hear that Beau is doing so well! Give yourself some time, Mama. :) You'll get back there. Any idea on when you get to bring your sweet boy home?

  4. He's progressing so nicely! He's adorable! When does he get to go home?

  5. He is doing so good! I love the picture.

  6. You are to cute!!! No rush girl, its not going any were hang tight!!!

  7. Baby Beau is doing great! Glad to hear you're getting back in a routine :)

  8. I was totally the same way of wanting to jump up and do everything again. Take it easy though mama. There is time for all of that. Later. Glad baby boy is doing good!

  9. So glad that you're getting back into a routine & that the two of you are doing well! Hang in there, he'll be home before you know it!! <3
